14 research outputs found

    Comunicando juntos, caminando hacia la autonomía: Proyecto de educomunicación en el CEBE 13 “Jesús Amigo”

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    En el Perú, las personas con discapacidad son una población que enfrenta dificultades en el acceso a sus derechos. Por ejemplo, según el Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática, solo el 40.4% de estudiantes con discapacidad culmina la primaria. A partir de la perspectiva de expertos en educación inclusiva, la colaboración con los agentes y partes interesadas locales es fundamental para lograr una educación inclusiva. Es decir, padres, escuelas, comunidades, países, ministerios y agencias de desarrollo deben generar acciones articuladas para contribuir en la educación de los estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual, solo de esa forma, ellos podrán generar su propia autonomía. Para entender esta problemática se realizó un diagnóstico con el objetivo de analizar la manera en que se desarrolla la articulación entre cuidadores/as y el personal del CEBE 13 “Jesús Amigo” para reconocer el desarrollo autónomo de los/as estudiantes. Para ello se trabajó un estudio de caso desde un enfoque cualitativo. A partir de los hallazgos obtenidos, se puede señalar que existe una débil articulación entre el personal educativo y los cuidadores. En ese sentido, los espacios de diálogo se caracterizan por ser unidireccionales y difusionistas, sin un diálogo efectivo entre el personal educativo y los cuidadores. Es en este contexto en el que surge el proyecto: Comunicando juntos, caminando hacia la autonomía: Proyecto de educomunicación en el CEBE 13 “Jesús Amigo”. Este tiene como objetivo lograr que el personal del CEBE 13 "Jesús Amigo" y los/as cuidadores/as trabajen de manera articulada para promover el desarrollo autónomo de los/las estudiantes. Para ello, se han planteado 3 intervenciones. La primera busca generar cambios en el personal educativo, la segunda, en el grupo de cuidadores y la tercera en ambos actores en conjunto.In Peru, people with disabilities face difficulties accessing their rights. For example, the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics, states that only 40.3% of children with disabilities graduate from middle school. According to experts, inclusive education must be collaborative between the agents and interested local parties. Ergo, parents, schools, communities, countries, government ‘s departments and development agencies must generate articulated actions to contribute to the education of the students with intellectual disabilities. That is the only way in which they could generate their autonomy. To understand this issue, a diagnosis was conducted with the aim of analyzing the way in which the coordination between caregivers and the educational staff of CEBE 13 "Jesús Amigo" is developed in order to recognize the autonomous development of the students. For this purpose, a qualitative case study was conducted. Based on the findings obtained, it can be stated that there is a weak coordination between the educational staff and the caregivers. In this sense, the dialogue spaces are characterized by being one-way and diffusion-oriented, without effective dialogue between the staff and the caregivers on the part of CEBE 13 It is in this context that a new project arises: Comunicando juntos, caminando hacia la autonomía: Proyecto de educomunicación en el CEBE 13 “Jesús Amigo”: The objective is to ensure that all the people who work at CEBE 13 "Jesús Amigo" and caregivers work together to enhance the development of student autonomy. To all this, three interventions were raised. The first with the objective of generating changes in the educational public, the second in the caregivers and the last in both publics

    Research Reports Andean Past 6

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    On Implementing Autonomic Systems with a Serverless Computing Approach: The Case of Self-Partitioning Cloud Caches

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    The research community has made significant advances towards realizing self-tuning cloud caches; notwithstanding, existing products still require manual expert tuning to maximize performance. Cloud (software) caches are built to swiftly serve requests; thus, avoiding costly functionality additions not directly related to the request-serving control path is critical. We show that serverless computing cloud services can be leveraged to solve the complex optimization problems that arise during self-tuning loops and can be used to optimize cloud caches for free. To illustrate that our approach is feasible and useful, we implement SPREDS (Self-Partitioning REDiS), a modified version of Redis that optimizes memory management in the multi-instance Redis scenario. A cost analysis shows that the serverless computing approach can lead to significant cost savings: The cost of running the controller as a serverless microservice is 0.85% of the cost of the always-on alternative. Through this case study, we make a strong case for implementing the controller of autonomic systems using a serverless computing approach